This month Chronixx has been in Europe for his debut nine show tour. With the last concert done we woke him up this morning for a quick chat about how it all went before his flight home to Jamaica. As usual, even so early on a Sunday morning, he was in a philosophical mood…
How do you feel after your first European tour with Zinc Fence band?
I feel I have accomplished one of the things that is necessary as an artist. Performing live with my band. It is Zinc Fence’s first time in Europe as Zinc Fence. All of the members of the band are well travelled people, we know how to carry ourselves, but this is our first time here together. It’s a good feeling to know you can really do those things. I feel like we are on our way now so you can look forward to much more coming in the future.
What was the highlight of the tour?
Just being on the road with the ones here it was like we were always on a high. Within our minds we were always very philosophical. These are some deep youths we roll with. Performance-wise, the show last night [in Zurich] was very divine and the man played from their souls. It is natural that Jamaican people react to things differently – physically, psychologically and in every way. And it is the same here in Europe – people react differently. But we got a very overwhelming reception from the people. You’re half way around the world and people love your music – and they love it in a very special way. They want to be a part of it and they want to support the music forever. That alone gives me something to work forward to.
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